
Monday, 8 June 2015

Fish With Teeth Falling From Sky In Alaska

el-like fish with teeth in its mouth are falling from the sky in Fairbanks, Alaska, confusing its residents.
Fish With Teeth Falling From Sky In Alaska
Eel-like fish with teeth in its mouth are falling from the sky in Fairbanks, Alaska, confusing its residents
The monster fish called Artcic lampreys have been found by residents of Fairbank scattered all over the city. One was found wriggling in the parking lot of a store, three others were discovered on their lawns. However, fish experts assure that there is no danger from the fish and locals have nothing to worry about.
Fish With Teeth Falling From Sky In Alaska
The monster fish called Artcic lampreys have been found by residents of Fairbank scattered all over the city
Commenting on the situation, Mike Taras of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game said: “The answer is probably gulls. Gulls are picking them out of the Chena River with their bills and then dropping the squirming critters while in flight.
Fish With Teeth Falling From Sky In Alaska
One was found wriggling in the parking lot of a store, three others were discovered on their lawns
Arctic lampreys spawn in the Chena River, and live in the mud underwater as juveniles for several years, many lifelong Alaskans have never seen one of these fascinating fish up close because their body shape and feeding habits make them difficult to catch.”
Fish With Teeth Falling From Sky In Alaska
Fish experts assure that there is no danger from the fish and locals have nothing to worry about

The Arctic lamprey is usually about 13 to 32 centimetres but specimens have been known to reach 63 centimetres and 200 grams in weight. The adult is generally a parasitic feeder that attaches to other fish species and sucks its blood and other bodily fluids. What is even more interesting is that lamprey is a commercially important edible fish with fatty flesh, it’s a seasonal delicacy in Alaska.


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